Track Attack

Getting out the gospel is about going and giving. Both are the sole responsibility of the local church.

One of our local activities of evangelism is a "tract attack." During this time we saturate an area with personalized gospel tracts. Of course, living faithfully is always a primary way to emulate quality Christian character and mentor Christian living.


Faith Promise

We use the Faith Promise plan of support for world evangelization and every penny given goes to the field. We commit ourselves to a designated amount of monthly support and receive personal letters and receipts. This brings the congregation into a personal relationship with the man on the field.



We currently support three missionaries in the following areas:

Missionaries to Ecuador

Missionaries to Myanmar

Missionaries to Japan

3 John 7-8  “Because that for his name's sake they went forth, taking nothing of the Gentiles.

We therefore ought to receive such, that we might be fellowhelpers to the truth.”